Heating with wood: warmths for body and soul
Cosy, economical and sustainable

Wood – the only renewable energy source in the world. Pumped full of the power of the sun, it dispenses cozy warmth on cold days and frosty nights.
Woodis embodiment of renewable energy, grants independence from fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas or coal, offers security of supply and when burnt correctly remains completely integrated in the biological cycle. Even in terms of cost, wood does very well in comparison with other fuels.

Heating with wood is undergoing a Renaissance
The heating of human accommodation was for a long time only possible with wood. Only with industrialization did fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas become increasingly the focus and displace wood as a heating material almost completely. Heating with wood was at the beginning of the 1970s in the industrialized nations of the western world no longer the norm. Modern heating systems and district heating now ensured pleasant room temperatures in apartments and houses. However in the last few decades, with petroleum and natural gas running short and increasing in price, an increased environmental consciousness and sharply rising energy prices, a significant change in direction has set in.
What was long considered a mere anachronism today has immense value again as a a modern, environmentally friendly and economic method of heating. Moreover, stoves and fireplace inserts allowself-sufficient heatingand thus make homeowners independent of environmental influences and heat failures due to extreme weather conditions or power failures.

Environmentally friendly and economic
Besides the economic aspect, the increased use of wood burners and stoves in the past few years is also based on an environmentally friendlybasic idea. Above all, fireplace inserts, stoves, pellet stoves and hybrid stoves with their sustainability as well: Like wind and sun, wood is a natural and renewable energy source that in our latitudes regrows almost without limit.
Another advantage: in contrast to other fossil fuels, wood is a raw material that is easy to harvest. If it sourced regionally and a few basic rules are observed during the burning process, heating with wood has only a minor impact on the environment. When wood is burned it releases only the quantity of carbon dioxide that was bound in the growth process, and therefore wood burns CO2 neutrally.

Pleasant warmth that brings pleasure
Besides the environmentally friendly aspect and the cost saving,the actual charm of a stove lies of course in the cozy and special atmosphere in the room. Heating with wood provides pleasant warmth within your own four walls and kindles a unique mood via the relaxing flames, the crackling noises and the play of the fire.
Your view is spellbound and captivated by the beautiful spectacle and your thoughts can wander freely, which at the same time helps you to relax. Heating with wood fulfills many useful and worthwhile purposes and will continue to be part of human existence for probably thousands of years more.
A stove is therefore a sensible and at the same time extremely cozy addition to the home fittings and furnishing, while even contributing to the energy revolution.
Our tips for sustainable heating with wood
Correct firing
Correct firing is critical to ensure that as few emissions as possible occur during the burning of the wood. In order to quickly reach an adequate firebox temperature, thinly split kindling and conventional firelighters are useful.
It depends on good wood
Suitable firewood is air-dried and possesses a residual moisture of 15 to 20 per cent. Untreated dry wood is particularly good for stoves, low-resin hard wood, such as beechwood, oak wood and birch wood standing out due to a particular calm flame pattern. The wood burns optimally with a longer flame and is therefore ideally only laid on in small quantities. Fine white ash and little soot in the fire testify to an environmentally friendly combustion.
Save heat for longer
Also, stoves with a Heat Memory System are particularly useful. During the burning process they store the heat given off and only emit it gradually into the room, so that the heat is used particularly efficiently.
Clean stove, clean heat
Properly working stoves ensure that the wood being burnt is optimally turned into heat. Regular cleaning and checking of the fire by an expert guarantees proper and environmentally friendly burning.